ideas vs. inventions — When does it become patentable?

Why is this important?

Good inventors will have both an idea and invention at some point in the process. It’s important to understand the difference between an idea and invention in order to know when it becomes patentable.


  • Unproven thought, suggestion, or concept that you have in your head
  • Intangible
    • An idea cannot be physically touched since it’s merely a thought in your mind
  • “Ah-ha” moment when you think, “Why hasn’t somebody thought of that?”


  • The development of an idea
  • Must be able to manufacture, develop, or produce said ‘idea’ to turn it into an invention
  • Tangible
    • An invention can be physically touched (ex. Blueprints, prototypes, designs, testing, sketches, etc.)

KEY TAKEAWAY: You cannot patent an idea, but you can patent an invention.


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